Results for 'José G. Trindade Santos'

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  1.  10
    Pedagogia e dialética na metodologia de investigação socrática.José G. Trindade Santos - 2014 - Aufklärung 10 (2):11-20.
    This article is divided in two parts. The first one aims to show a short interpratation of the methodology of investigation developed by Socrates across the platonic dialogs. In the second one I'm going to show some pointed consequences on that proposed lecture in the first one.
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    Review of Casertano, G. Venticinque studi sui preplatonici. [REVIEW]José Gabriel Trindade Santos - 2020 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 30:03007-03007.
    Review of Casertano, G. _Venticinque studi sui preplatonici_.
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  3. (1 other version)Personalização E divergência didáctica.José Trindade Santos - 1995 - Philosophica 6:133-139.
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    Apontamentos sobre um excerto demasiado lido.José Gabriel Trindade Santos - 2020 - Cadernos Nietzsche 41 (1):9-24.
    Resumo Lida sem atenção, a avaliação do Poema de Parmênides por Nietzsche corre o risco de frustrar, mais do que estimular, os leitores não-iniciados em Filosofia. Pois, nela o filósofo não só ignora a pesquisa sua contemporânea sobre o Eleata, como insere o seu pensamento numa polêmica antiracionalista, recheada de equívocos e intuições infundadas. É nosso objetivo aqui tentar restituir credibilidade a esta avaliação, apontando as linhas que orientam o diálogo do crítico com o seu objeto tanto para o senso-comum, (...)
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    (1 other version)A Cidade dos Homens.José Trindade Santos - 1994 - Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy 2 (4):81-108.
    All the time political equality has been feeding on unequality. With the whole world changing into a blossoming democracy we seem to be running out of "unequals” to carry our blessed dream on. We better act before the golden carriage turns into a pumpkin. And why not pay some attention to Greek democracy? How it was born, how it worked, how long it lasted and why it died, leaving us with a dream of ideal perfection. We might learn something useful (...)
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  6. (1 other version)Platão, heraclito E a estrutura metafórica do real.José Trindade Santos - 1993 - Philosophica 1:45-68.
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  7. A captação do objeto cognitivo pela epistemologia de Aristóteles.José Gabriel Trindade Santos - 2020 - Prometheus 33:28-45.
  8. (1 other version)Maria José figueiredo, O peri ideán E a crítica aristotélica a platão. [REVIEW]José Trindade Santos - 1996 - Philosophica 7:189-191.
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    Gorgias and Plato's Gorgias.José Gabriel Trindade Santos - 2011 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 7:55-66.
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  10. Doctrina del mérito en Duns Escoto.José G. Santos - 1961 - Verdad y Vida 19 (74):269-289.
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  11. Estudos filosóficos.J. G. Trindade Santos & Fernando Gil (eds.) - 1982 - Lisboa: Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Departamento de Filosofia.
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    Moral y/o sensible: en torno a la concepción kantiana de la felicidad.José G. Santos Herceg - 2004 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 23 (1):39.
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    A “questão da existência” no Poema de Parmênides.José Gabriel Trindade Santos - 2012 - Filosofia Unisinos 13 (2).
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    Protágoras no Teeteto: argumentos da “defesa” e da “autorrefutação”.José Gabriel Trindade Santos - 2024 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 34:e03414.
    Podem se explicar as mudanças na atitude de ‘Sócrates’ perante ‘Protágoras’, no Teeteto? O filósofo parece louvá-lo só para depois o censurar, embora sempre mostre respeitá-lo. Pode tal comportamento ser justificado pela ironia? Que relação liga o sofista às “doutrinas secretas”, atribuídas a discípulos seus? Por que razão ‘Sócrates’ o critica, depois o defende, como se fosse ele o próprio sofista, para acabar por acusar a “Verdade” do outro de se autorrefutar? Este texto tenta responder a estas e outras perguntas, (...)
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    Tyranny and justice: Plato on the abuse of Power, in the Republic.José Gabriel Trindade Santos - 2019 - Filosofia Unisinos 20 (3).
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    For a Non-Predicative Reading of Esti in Parmenides, the Sophists and Plato.José Gabriel Trindade Santos - 2013 - Méthexis 26 (1):39-50.
    The absence of grammatical subject and object in Parmenides' "it is/it is not" allows the reading of the verbal forms not as copulas but as names, with no implicit subject nor elided predicate. Once there are two only alternatives, contrary and excluding each other, sustaining that a 'no-name' does not grant knowledge implies identifying its opposite – "it is" – as the only name conducive to knowledge in itself, denouncing the 'inconceivability of a knowledge that does not know. If "it (...)
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    Morte e vida na Antígona, de Sófocles.José Gabriel Trindade Santos - 2012 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 8:21-25.
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    Metamorphoses of logos: from non-predicative to predicative.José Gabriel Trindade Santos - 2018 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 24:179-206.
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    O "Parménides" como diálogo aporético.José Gabriel Trindade Santos - 2020 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 11 (1):22.
    O objetivo deste texto é evidenciar o papel desempenhado pela noção de “aporia” no Parménides de Platão. Depois de ter descrito alguns dos usos da noção nos diálogos platónicos, o texto concentra-se no Parménides, analisando: 1. O debate de Sócrates com Zenão; 2. O conjunto de objeções apresentadas por Parménides ao uso por Sócrates das noções de “separação” e “participação”, focadas em particular no “Argumento do Terceiro Homem”; 3. Algumas conclusões paradoxais resultantes das oito “Hipóteses sobre o Um”, na segunda (...)
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  20.  19
    Um lobo à solta na cidade.José Gabriel Trindade Santos - 2020 - Filosofia Unisinos 21 (3):312-314.
    Book Review: ARRUZZA, Cinzia. 2019. A Wolf in the City: Tyranny and the Tyrant in Plato’s Republic. New York, Oxford University Press, 312 p.
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    The interface of science: the case for a broader definition of research management.Marta Agostinho, Catarina Moniz Alves, Sandra Aresta, Filipa Borrego, Júlio Borlido-Santos, João Cortez, Tatiana Lima Costa, José António Lopes, Susana Moreira, José Santos, Margarida Trindade, Carolina Varela & Sheila Vidal - 2020 - Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 24 (1):19-27.
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    Papado do Papa Francisco: renovação pastoral, não mudança doutrinária.Michael G. Lawler, Todd A. Sazlman & José Martins dos Santos Neto - forthcoming - Horizonte:646-646.
    Following the publication of Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia, four aged Cardinals wrote to him asking him to clarify positions in the Exhortation they charged were causing confusion to the faithful. They even suggested he had changed some Catholic doctrines. This essay answers their questions, arguing that Francis has not changed any Catholic doctrine but has changed, in the sense that he has renewed, Catholic pastoral practice. It also argues that, while not changing any Catholic doctrines, he has reprioritized (...)
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    Platão.José Trindade Santos - 2010 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 51 (122):637-641.
  24.  53
    “Existir” e “existência” em Platão.José Trindade Santos - 2004 - Disputatio 1 (16):1 - 21.
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  25. (1 other version)Sujeito epistémico e sujeito psí­quico na filosofia platônica.José Trindade Santos - 2004 - Princípios 11 (15):65-82.
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  26. Discurso e Ontologia em Platão. Um estudo sobre o Sofista.José Santos & José Trindade Santos - 2009 - Hypnos. Revista Do Centro de Estudos da Antiguidade 23:296-304.
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    Observations on “the equal” and “the equals”: Phaedo 72e‑77a.José Trindade Santos - 2016 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 17:119-135.
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    Resenha de Rossetti, L. Un altro Parmenide.José Trindade Santos - 2019 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 28:e02811.
    Resenha de Rossetti, L. Un altro Parmenide.
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    El Nacimiento de la Verdad.José Trindade Santos - 2004 - Méthexis 17 (1):7-23.
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    Presença da identidade eleática na filosofia grega clássica.José Trindade Santos - 2009 - Journal of Ancient Philosophy 3 (2).
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    T. Chappel, Reading Plato’s Theaetetus, Sankt Augustin 2004 (Akademia Verlag, 248 págs.).José Trindade Santos - 2005 - Méthexis 18 (1):146-149.
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    Do saber ao conhecimento: estudos sobre o Teeteto.José Trindade Santos (ed.) - 2005 - Lisboa: Centro de Filosofia da Universidade.
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    Medicine and Philosphy today: a necessary approach to healthy cities.José Trindade Santos - 2010 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 4:131-140.
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    [Recensão a] Franco Trabattoni - Platão.José Trindade Santos - 2010 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 5:143-146.
    Franco Trabattoni. Platão.. São Paulo, Annablume, 2010, 342 pp.
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    M. I. Santa Cruz – M. I. Crespo – S. Di Camillo, Las críticas de Aristóteles a Platón en el tratado Sobre las Ideas. Estudio preliminar y edición bilingüe, Buenos Aires 2000 (Eudeba, 117 págs). [REVIEW]José Trindade Santos - 2001 - Méthexis 14 (1):149-152.
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    A idade bíblica dos juízes sem a letra ‘g’.Cristóvão José dos Santos Júnior - 2020 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 30:03023-03023.
    This work consists of the first lipogrammatic translation and the first ever made into the Portuguese language of Book VII of the work _De aetatibus mundi et hominis_, credited to the late and African writer Fulgentius, the Mytographer. _De aetatibus_ is a consecutive lipogram that has a prologue and other 14 Books, with constriction in the initial 14 letters of Fulgentius’ alphabet. In this seventh section of the work, Fulgentius discusses the biblical age of the judges, avoiding the use of (...)
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    Research Ethics in the Age of Digital Platforms.José Luis Molina, Paola Tubaro, Antonio Casilli & Antonio Santos-Ortega - 2023 - Science and Engineering Ethics 29 (3):1-18.
    Scientific research is growingly increasingly reliant on "microwork" or "crowdsourcing" provided by digital platforms to collect new data. Digital platforms connect clients and workers, charging a fee for an algorithmically managed workflow based on Terms of Service agreements. Although these platforms offer a way to make a living or complement other sources of income, microworkers lack fundamental labor rights and basic safe working conditions, especially in the Global South. We ask how researchers and research institutions address the ethical issues involved (...)
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    THEOGONY (1-115).Alan David Dos Santos Tórma - 2021 - Pólemos 3 (5):255-274.
    The Greek text used was that of the English edition of Hugh G. Evelyn-White (HESIOD, 1914). The translations of the Theogony of Ana Lúcia Silveira Cerqueira and Maria Therezinha Áreas Lyra (HESÍODO, 1986) have been consulted for comparison, José Antonio Alves Torrano (HESÍODO, 1995), Hugh G. Evelyn-White (HESIOD, 1914) and José Marcos Mariani de Macedo (MACEDO, 2010). In addition, this translation was based on the translations of the Homeric Hymns, Edvanda Bonavina da Rosa et alia (2010), and Trajano (...)
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  39. Alegoria E segredo III.Mary Kimiko G. Murashima - 2012 - Principia: Revista do Departamento de Letras Clássicas e Orientais do Instituto de Letras 2 (25):55-66.
    Terceiro de uma série de três artigos que visam a analisar a utilização do discurso alegórico – em sua vertente alegórica e hermenêutica – em três obras de José Saramago: Memorial do convento, Manual de pintura e caligrafia e O evangelho segundo Jesus Cristo. Neste terceiro ensaio, enfocaremos a visão hermenêutica sobre alegoria e suas relações com a tipologia, destacando a visão dos Padres das Escrituras Sagradas, além da leitura de Santo Agostinho, do Venerável Beda e de São Tomás (...)
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  40. The emergence of a Kaluza-Klein microgenometry from the invariants of optimally Euclidean Lorentzian spaces.José G. Vargas & Douglas G. Torr - 1997 - Foundations of Physics 27 (4):533-558.
    It is shown that relativistic spacetimes can be viewed as Finslerian spaces endowed with a positive definite distance (ω0, mod ωi) rather than as pariah, pseudo-Riemannian spaces. Since the pursuit of better implementations of “Euclidicity in the small” advocates absolute parallelism, teleparallel nonlinear Euclidean (i.e., Finslerian) connections are scrutinized. The fact that (ωμ, ω0 i) is the set of horizontal fundamental 1-forms in the Finslerian fibration implies that it can be used in principle for obtainingcompatible new structures. If the connection (...)
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    The construction of teleparallel finsler connections and the emergence of an alternative concept of metric compatibility.José G. Vargas & Douglas G. Torr - 1997 - Foundations of Physics 27 (6):825-843.
    The issue of whether teleparallel nonlinear connections exist is resolved by their explicit construction on Finslerian metrics that arise in the Robertson test theory of special relativity (RTTSR), and on the Minkowski metric in particular. The method is an adaptation to the Finsler bundle of a similar construction for teleparallel linear connections. It suggests the existence of a concept of metric compatibility alternative toω μλ +ω λμ = 0 for teleparallel nonlinear connections. A sophisticated system of partial differential equations whose (...)
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    Does Corruption Have Social Roots? The Role of Culture and Social Capital.José Atilano Pena López & José Manuel Sánchez Santos - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 122 (4):697-708.
    The aim of this work is to analyse the influence of sociocultural factors on corruption levels. Taking as starting point Husted (J Int Bus Studies 30:339–359, 1999) and Graeff (In: Lambsdorff J, Taube M, Schramm M (eds) The new institutional economics of corruption. Routledge, London, 2005) proposals, we consider both the interrelation between cultural dimensions and the diverse expressions of social capital with corruption. According to our results, the universalistic trust (linking and bridging social capital) constitutes a positive social capital (...)
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    A notion of selective ultrafilter corresponding to topological Ramsey spaces.José G. Mijares - 2007 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 53 (3):255-267.
    We introduce the relation of almost-reduction in an arbitrary topological Ramsey space ℛ as a generalization of the relation of almost-inclusion on ℕ[∞]. This leads us to a type of ultrafilter [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT CAPITAL U] ⊆ ℛ which corresponds to the well-known notion of selective ultrafilter on ℕ. The relationship turns out to be rather exact in the sense that it permits us to lift several well-known facts about selective ultrafilters on ℕ and the Ellentuck space ℕ[∞] to the ultrafilter (...)
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    On Anti-Violence.I. I. I. José G. Izaguirre - 2023 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 56 (3):350-356.
    This article explores the relationship between rhetoric and violence by running this pairing through a corresponding couplet: rhetoric and race. Arguing for a common substrate between these two pairs of terms—coloniality—this article proposes that rhetorics of "nonviolence" are better understood as rhetorics of anti-violence.
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    Cultura e identidade. Interação e conflito na construção de uma cultura comum brasileira.José Martins dos Santos Neto - 2015 - Horizonte 13 (38):1162-1166.
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  46. The Cartan-Einstein Unification with Teleparallelism and the Discrepant Measurements of Newton's Constant G.Jose G. Vargas & Douglas G. Torr - 1999 - Foundations of Physics 29 (2):145-200.
    We show that in 1929 Cartan and Einstein almost produced a theory in which the electromagnetic (EM) field constitutes the time-like 2-form part of the torsion of Finslerian teleparallel connections on pseudo-Riemannian metrics. The primitive state of the theory of these connections would not, and did not, permit Cartan and Einstein to realize how their torsion field equations contained the Maxwell system and how the Finslerian torsion contains the EM field. Cartan and Einstein discussed curvature field equations, though failing to (...)
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    Kinematical and gravitational analysis of the rocket-borne clock experiment by Vessot and Levine using the revised Robertson's test theory of special relativity.José G. Vargas - 1986 - Foundations of Physics 16 (10):1003-1020.
    The kinematic aspects of the rocket-borne clock experiment by Vessot and Levine are analyzed with the revised Robertson's test theory of special relativity (Found. Phys. 14, 625 (1984)). Besides the expected time-dilation, it is found that the intermediate steps of this experiment yield in principle Michelson-Morley type information (a relation between longitudinal and transverse length contractions) in the third order of the velocities involved, but no relativity-of-simultaneity related effects.The flat space-time test theory induces a family of “spherically symmetric” line elements (...)
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    Revised Robertson's test theory of special relativity.José G. Vargas - 1984 - Foundations of Physics 14 (7):625-651.
    The only test theory used by workers in the field of testing special relativity to analyze the significance of their experiments is the proof by H. P. Robertson [Rev. Mod. Phys. 21, 378 (1949)] of the Lorentz transformations from the results of the experimental evidence. Some researchers would argue that the proof contains an unwarranted assumption disguised as a convention about synchronization procedures. Others would say that alternative conventions are possible. In the present paper, no convention is used, but the (...)
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    Geometrization of the physics with teleparallelism. I. The classical interactions.José G. Vargas - 1992 - Foundations of Physics 22 (4):507-526.
    A connection viewed from the perspective of integration has the Bianchi identities as constraints. It is shown that the removal of these constraints admits a natural solution on manifolds endowed with a metric and teleparallelism. In the process, the equations of structure and the Bianchi identities take standard forms of field equations and conservation laws.The Levi-Civita (part of the) connection ends up as the potential for the gravity sector, where the source is geometric and tensorial and contains an explicit gravitational (...)
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  50. Cultura, política y sociedad en la época de López de Medrano.José G. Guerrero - 2015 - In Artidiello Moreno, M. Mabel & Julio Minaya, Memoria del bicentenario de la Lógica de Andrés López de Medrano. Santo Domingo: Ministerio de Cultura.
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